By Laura Zilverberg
Writer, editor, and volunteer with MN350's Communications Team

Last year, nearly 100 climate and justice organizations, including MN350, launched Stop the Money Pipeline, calling on individuals and companies to stop conducting business with organizations that invest in or insure fossil fuel projects. Rescinding monetary support is one of the most important actions we can take to address the climate crisis.

Jane Fonda protests Line 3. Image:

Even while stating support for climate action, the financial sector is a major funder, insurer, and investor of new fossil fuel projects and deforestation. On the Stop the Money Pipeline website, you can learn how to make a difference through your banking choices, as well as stay apprised of in-person and online actions. Past actions have included making calls to the CEOs of Chase, Liberty Mutual, and BlackRock; creating online art; or sharing news and actions via social media. This inspirational video shows some of the impactful work in the campaign against Liberty Mutual.

And the campaign is already racking up the wins, including the announcement that the lead insurer for the Trans Mountain Pipeline was dropping coverage.

Stop the Money Pipeline also calls for divestment for state public pension funds, which is a priority issue for MN350 and the Minnesota climate change movement.

On a personal level, you can find resources for changing your own bank and see how your bank stacks up by viewing Rainforest Action Network’s annual Banking on Climate Change report.

Join the campaign today at and “stop the flow of money to stop the flow of oil.”

Laura Zilverberg is a public relations professional, volunteer with MN350, and mother of two. She used to be an avid runner and plans to be again once her kids sleep through the night. She enjoys reading and channeling her dread about climate change into baked goods, gardening, and blog posts.