September 10, 2024
2050 Regional Development Guide Public Comment Period

The Metropolitan Council is excited to announce the release of the draft Regional Development Guide, titled Imagine 2050, for public comment. This “90%” draft marks a critical point in the planning process, where we gather your valuable insights to shape and refine the final document, which will guide our region for decades to come.
I have already had the pleasure of hearing from many people in our region about the plan and we have incorporated thoughtful feedback and innovative ideas into this draft. Now, we want to ensure that your voices continue to be heard throughout the development of this crucial regional roadmap.
The public comment draft of the Imagine 2050 Land Use Policy (alongside all of the Imagine 2050 goal, system, and policy chapters) is now posted on the Metropolitan Council’s August 14th agenda. I encourage you to review the draft plans and submit your comments to public.info@metc.state.mn.us. Your perspectives are invaluable in creating a plan that reflects our communities’ diverse needs and aspirations. A public comment portal is also available for specific feedback on objectives, policies, and actions for the entire Imagine 2050 plan.
This draft will remain open for public comment through October 7th.
Tee McClenty
Executive Director
MN350 is a statewide climate advocacy group with 30,000 supporters. We work to make Minnesota a national leader in a just transition to a clean energy economy. MN350 Action is its political and advocacy arm.