Since its creation more than 50 years ago, the 17-member Metropolitan Council has been appointed by the governor.
Through HF 1122/SF 938, we have the opportunity to make the Met Council positions directly elected!
The Metropolitan Council is a powerful body with the potential to take bold, meaningful action on climate change. It controls much of the public transportation, regional housing policy, water treatment, and regional parks and trails in the 7-county Metropolitan region, an area that includes approximately half the state’s population. It has a $1.2 billion dollar budget and it runs the third-largest police department in the state, Metro Transit Police.
To win better public transit, we need to transform the Metropolitan Council.
We deserve a more democratic, more accountable Council, and the opportunity for community to be more actively engaged in the Council’s work and decisions.
Contact your MN House and Senate representative! Tell them we deserve a more democratic Metropolitan Council! Write a letter to the editor. Earned media helps us build our narrative, inform the community about the potential of an elected Council, and alert representatives that we support an elected Council.